A P Verma ITI

A P Verma PVT. ITI

NCVT Affiliation No.- DGT-6/4/16/2018-TC

NCVT Affiliation No.- DGT-6/4/16/2018-TC

Learn with us.
Improve with us.


In the past years engineering and Technological advancements globally have grown at a rapid pace. We firmly believe that the future of India hinges on the rapid development of world class training in all sectors of Engineering. In present scenario Technical personnel with good knowledge, skills and competence are a big asset of our Industries and entire economy. It’s a matter of great pride for all of us at A.P. Verma Pvt. Industrial training Institute to find our cherished dream come in to reality. In a short span of time A.P. Verma Pvt. Industrial training Institute has certainly made a rapid progress. Our mission is to bring the best Industrial Training to trainees so as to make them responsible, self dependent and ideal citizen to take active participation in Industrial growth hence overall growth of our Nation.
-Message from Director
Most important asset that any institute posses are its students. Due to untiring efforts and hard work put in by the faculty, our Trainees are performing extremely well. We have made our sincere efforts and have been successful in recruiting brilliant, progressive and highly motivated faculty members. I wish to emphasize that I am always accessible to the faculty as well as to the trainees for any successions or problems that they might want to discuss. We all work together for better tomorrow.
-From Principal’s desk


The A P Verma Pvt. Industrial Training Institute’s official website is www.apvermaiti.org and all announcements made by the institute will appear in this website only. If any duplicate website available online all the trainees and others intrested in couducting business with the Institute should avoid using such duplicate websites and browse only the official website of the institute, viz., www.apvermaiti.org Despite this clear announcement, if anyone had links with the duplicate websites and incurred any loss, our institute will not bear any responsibility for such loss.